Pentingnya Distribusi Oksigen Terlarut yang Merata hingga ke Dasar Kolam - Petani Air
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Pentingnya Distribusi Oksigen Terlarut yang Merata hingga ke Dasar Kolam

Oxygen consumed by aquatic organisms in ponds or ponds is good for respiration of plants, zooplankton and bacteria. Ponds or fish ponds are complex biological environments, so the oxygen consumption of one pond and another can be different. The production of oxygen depends on light conditions, respiration related to water temperature and dissolved oxygen content in water.

At the bottom of a pond or pond, oxygen demand is closely related to the decomposition of organic matter that has accumulated at the bottom. Oxygen fixation that occurs at the water-sludge interface also cannot be ignored. The dissolved oxygen content of the water layer is in direct contact with the sedimentation of solids or mud at the bottom. According to several studies, the average consumption of oxygen for 24 hours at the pond bottom is 1-3 mg/l. This is when the water depth is one meter.
The consumption of oxygen by fish depends on the type of species, living conditions and evolution. In general, all types of fish need dissolved oxygen that flows quickly and is distributed to the bottom. Even for salmon, even a small decrease in dissolved oxygen can cause death. Some fish species, especially those in the tropics, also need oxygen from the atmosphere for skin, gut, and swimming respiration. Standard fish oxygen consumption does not depend on oxygen saturation in the water but is influenced by water temperature. The average level of dissolved oxygen needed by fish is 4-7.5 mg/l.

Fish can sense a decrease in dissolved oxygen before they have respiratory problems. Therefore, fish that lack oxygen will swim or gather on the surface of the pond which usually has a higher oxygen content. If this doesn't work, the fish will increase the supply of oxygen by making movements so that oxygen flows directly to the muscles of the respiratory organs. This is the maximum tolerance limit for fish if dissolved oxygen is inhibited.

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